Yesterday, as I was driving in slow moving traffic, a car started to furiously honk about ten lengths behind me. Glancing in my rear view mirror I saw the familiar blue flashes of the scourge of the N1, the Blue Light Brigade.
These huge SUV's and sedans in their uniform black paint jobs and flashing blue lights on the roofs have bullied countless other road users while transporting the so-called VIPs. Very ignorant palookas if you ask me.
I doubt that they make use of these convoys to protect themselves against any attacks(although, with our government officials' tendency to surround themselves with dangerous people in their social circles, that might be the case).
I believe that it is more a play to feel important and relevant since their actions and activities relating to their positions do not warrant it.
Furthermore, these so-called VIPs are so anonymous, it is highly unlikely that they will be recognised between all the other tenderpreneurs in their BMWs.
I don't think anyone will drive next to one of our ministers and think:'Look! There goes Sicelo Shiceka, minister of Co-Operative Governance and Traditional Affairs.' It probably would be more a case of:'Look how that idiot drives, he must have got his licence in a lucky packet!'
So whenever you see these Blue Light Buffoons, do not get angry and give them the attention they so desperately crave, rather give way and give them the time-honoured one fingered salute they deserve! (Late edit: Due to the sensitive nature of our country's politicians' egos, please refrain from flipping them the bird, you might be doing it to Winnie and end up as dead as Stompie!)
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