Thursday, April 14, 2011

Guard! Guards! Car Guards?

The phenomenon known as the orange-vest wearing 'car-guard' that has become entrenched in our society is probably the single most annoying thing in the world! To put it into perspective, I despise them even more than backward thinking people that want to expose the Freemasons and the Illuminati for the threat they are to life on earth as we know it! WTF!!! I even despise them more than motormouth youth league leaders whose brains can't keep up with the constant flapping of their fat lips! Well, maybe not, but they really irritate the crap out of me!
Picture this: Parking on Church Square in Pretoria, as you get out your accosted by a 'car-guard' demanding you give them money for the privilige of parking on municipal property! And instead of just accepting the R5.00 you offer, they demand a certain set amount depending on the length of your stay! Surely the fact that there are parking meters should do away with the necessity of car guards being there in the first place! What else are we paying for?!

It's a pity that our society has allowed for this phenomenon to become the norm, instead of begging with a cardboard (which at times are quite humorous and brightens your day), the beggars are now donning neon orange vests and intimidating (extorting) the motorists who dare park in their territory into paying their arbitrary fees! Such is life in Azania!

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